
Can Use Cleansing Water Even If You Don't Use Makeup

I take been using Micellar water for my makeup removal for more than than a year now, and I have to say that this was the smartest move from the makeup removing wipes. Simply around the same time I also removed using cotton pads.

In this post, I will share how I am efficiently using the micellar h2o in my daily skin care routine to remove makeup and keep my skin clean without a lot of waste matter.

The primary reason of using the micellar water was to stop wasting all those wipes that I have been using for years, while I loved my Neutrogena makeup wipes, I just felt really guilty using them everyday.

And let me tell y'all, I went through a lot. I still go on the reusable wipe box that the make offers, but for something else.

What I am covering in this mail:

What is the Benefits of using Micellar H2o?

E'er since I started using micellar water, I take stuck to Garnier, and so I volition share my experience with that product. There are a lot of brands in the market, simply its important to stick with something that is cost effective since this is a fluid and you might be using it everyday.

Is Micellar H2o not good for you?

Micellar water, considering of more water contents are gentle on your skin compared to makeup wipes. Also, since its more fluid, you can customize how much you use on your skin.

They besides come up with other benefits like hydration, mattifying, glow. So, rather than using harsh chemicals to wipe your makeup, yous tin utilise micellar h2o that volition also nourish your skin while doing and so. I take been using the Garnier Brightening Micellar water which also provides glow. This is something that I e'er strive for because my pare is naturally oily.

I have non felt any tingle or awareness compared to using makeup wipes sometimes, if I but got an exfoliation or facial earlier. Not certain what could be the reason, simply with micellar water it just feels like using water.

Can I utilize micellar water instead of water for washing my face?

Its important to know is that Micellar water should not be your only skin cleansing product specially if you are wearing makeup. Because, the contents of this production is more than gentle, I take noticed that even after most of my makeup is removed, I notwithstanding need soap to wash my face, I mean I used to practice the same with makeup wipes too. And then, this procedure was not at all new for me. But, if you are wondering if yous can utilize micellar water instead of water to launder our confront, so the answer is NO.

Does micellar water clog your pores?

Non at all, information technology is actually a cleanser, and just like any face wash, if you dont use it properly to clean your confront, then you volition still have clay on your skin which will block your pores and cause breakouts eventually or create blackheads.

You should always launder your confront with a face up wash afterwards any makeup cleansing, or even if you are using any cleansing oil. This makes certain that you lot have cleaned your confront thoroughly which will avoid any chemical residue left on your skin that can clog your pores, it may lead to pimples or black heads.

I learnt this from my Mom, who does non even utilize fancy skincare products that the best skin is a clean peel. She even at 60 has an amazing pare that I aspire for.

How I Use information technology Without Cotton Pads?

Once I decided to start using micellar water, I wanted to further reduce the wastage of using cotton everyday a little bit more so I can feel better, and then I bought these reusable organic cotton wool pads from Amazon. And I accept been hooked always since. They come with a mesh bag which you can use, to store them and throw them in the washing car to go cleaned and sanitized.

You tin pour the micellar water onto it and remove your makeup, or soak it beginning and and then employ micellar water, if y'all have extremely sensitive skin, or if y'all have acne where you don't want the rubbing to hurt them. This was you are beingness gentle with your peel while removing makeup.

Can you lot use micellar water without cotton pads?

Aye, admittedly. That is the beauty of this product. Since its like water on your face, you can use a microfiber material or a paw towel to wipe your makeup down after you have soaked your confront with information technology.

The just challenge with that is, you take to keep washing the cloth everyday. If you lot employ these reusable cotton wool pads, you lot will have more than than one of it. So, you can wash them in one case a week and you are done.

You can see that the one I accept are stained, and I have institute that, if I soak them in hot h2o and detergent before I wash them, it comes out cleaner than simply putting them direct for wash. I take been using this for nearly a twelvemonth now, and I think I am ready for a new pack since I accept used them a lot.

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A Hack to Effectively Use Micellar Water!

This is an amazing hack that I discovered recently afterwards I went on my Mexico trip for thanksgiving. Previously, whenever I travelled, I would carry a travel pack of the makeup removing wipes because I didn't want to haul my heavy micellar h2o in my checkin bag, which we all know is not actually prophylactic. You can literally spill all of that and get the entire suitcase wet.

I really wanted to have the micellar water to my trip, then I poured some in a travel size bottle and kept it in my conduct on, which was amazing. Honestly, I was bummed that I didn't think of it before. Now, I had bought a spray on bottle, so I used it like a spray on my face up, and then wiped my makeup off with my reusable cotton pads.

I was amazed how hands my makeup came off, peculiarly my centre makeup which would crave quite a bit of rubbing and sometimes, my skin will feel sensitive afterwards washing because of the rubbing.

Only this time, my eye makeup came off really easily and I did non feel and harsh rubbing on my skin. That age me an amazing idea to apply the same technique in my everyday skincare routine. And so, I bought some cute blue glass bottles fro Amazon in which I can store my micellar h2o. The bottle comes with a funnel, which made it easy to cascade the micellar water.

And I used the same technique to remove makeup from my confront. I was so happy with the event. And an, added bonus,shake the bottle and then, the water will be a bit foamy which makes removing makeup easier.

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Should You lot Utilize it if You Don't Wearable Makeup?

You lot can all the same use micellar water if yous are not wearing makeup to get the benefits of a deep clean and the nourishment that it provides. If y'all use products like BB cream or CC cream, you should be using makeup removing products since they do have pigmentation. It too applies to compact powders, tinted lip gloss or even tinted moisturizers or sunscreen.

Micellar water will assistance remove the pigments that tin cause your pores to go chock-full or crusade breakouts if your pare is prone to that. Even if yous are a teen or in your 20s, proper skincare is the foundation. That is what I tell my girl. A healthy skin is improve than any makeup.

My Daily Makeup Removing Routine

I religiously remove my makeup every dark, no matter how tired I am. And wanted to share what my steps. Its super easy and anyone can exercise it.

  1. I tie my hair so that I can clean my forehead and my hairline area also which can be a big problem area and breakout prone because of scalp oils.
  2. I spray the micellar h2o on my face which does feel a bit cold in the wintertime, and I wait a few seconds.
  3. I use the reusable cotton wool pad and remove my face up makeup starting time on i side and my eye makeup on the other side, this way I don't get my lipstick on my face.
  4. I use my Origins Checks and Balances face wash which helps go along the pH level of my skin intact with my Amazon silicone cleansing brush.
  5. Then I wash my face and follow my skincare routine.

I do this everyday to completely remove all my makeup and get my peel clean to prepare for my nighttime pare routine.

My Thoughts on Garnier Micellar Water

Since I started using Micellar h2o, I accept stuck with Garnier. I honestly trust the brand because I take never gotten any side furnishings from the production. The micellar h2o  has no fragrance, oil or alchohol which makes is a really simple skincare product. I have used all of there variations of the micellar water, but I admittedly love the Brightening  and Waterproof makeup removing ones.

I sometimes mix both of them and utilize information technology together to get the best results. And I really pour them both in my glass canteen so that I can remove my waterproof mascara easily and all the same get the brightening benefits. It just feels similar a genius way. Don't You Call up?

Each of these bottles final me more than 2 months, so for a price of around $8.99, they are a way effective way of removing my makeup compared to the makeup removing wipes that I used to buy which would final me exactly a month for a pack of 30 wipes and they costed effectually $7 approximately since I really never found a xxx pack.

Which other brands of micellar water is best?

There are also some other practiced brands that sell micellar water and are too cost effective. Some of the brands that I will switch if I have to switch from Garnier are Bioderma, Pacifica, Loreal & Biore (good for teens).

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I promise this post was helpful and I am actually curious to run across if you are going to use my hack or if yous already figured that out. Do driblet a comment to let me know. I would be thrilled. Until next time!


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