This tutorial shows how to describe a cute cartoon penguin stride by step. It includes eight steps in total with illustrated drawing examples for each.

Penguin drawing step by step
Penguin drawing step by footstep

It's recommended that you use a pencil until an draw light lines until y'all finish the line drawing of the penguin.

Step 1 – Draw the Outline of the Caput & Body

Penguin body outline drawing
Penguin body outline drawing

Outset by drawing the outline of the penguins caput and body. Draw the acme portions of the head as pretty much 1 big curve with smaller curves to each side for what volition later be the cheeks.

Make the body somewhat similar to an oval in shape but with a flattened bottom.

Step 2 – Draw the Feet

Penguin feet drawing
Penguin anxiety drawing

Add the feet with three toes on each. Every bit penguins have webbed anxiety draw the toes with shine curved lines in betwixt them.

Step 3 – Depict the Flippers

Penguin flippers drawing
Penguin flippers drawing

At the sides of the body just slightly beneath the head/cheeks add the flippers. Draw them sticking out a adept distance away form the body.

Step iv – Draw the Eyes

Penguin eyes drawing
Penguin eyes drawing

Draw the outer shape of each heart equally a sort of upside downwardly alphabetic character "U". Touching the inner corners of the eyes drawn another ready of similar shapes for the pupils.

Inside the pupils draw a pocket-sized pair of ovals for the highlights/reflection.

Step 5 – Describe the Beak

Penguin beak drawing
Penguin nib drawing

Just a tiny bit below the optics draw the beak. Make its outer shape similar a sort of flattened lemon. Inside information technology draw the mouth with a calorie-free bend.

Step vi – Depict a Fluff of Feathers on the Caput

Penguin head feathers drawing
Penguin head feathers drawing

To brand the penguin look slightly more interesting add a small-scale fluff of feathers to the tiptop of information technology'due south head.

Pace 7 – Finish the Line Drawing

Penguin line drawing
Penguin line cartoon

To finish the line cartoon outline the penguins feather pattern. It should first from the top of the bill and wrap effectually the eyes. Afterwards information technology tin can pretty much follow the curves of the cheeks and then the body.

Once done go over your cartoon with a pen, marker or darker pencil lines.

Step 8 – Color the Penguin

Penguin drawing
Penguin drawing

As the penguin in this instance has very bright colors it may be a good idea to colour it using markers but you can also utilise paints or colored pencils if you prefer.

Color the outer shape of the penguins body black, make the beak and feet orangish and the eyes a light blue (leave the reflections outlined before white).


This is a fairly simple and easy cartoon of a beautiful cartoon penguin. If you would like to try more than similar tutorials then also see:

  • How to Draw an Owl Step past Pace
  • How to Depict a Bird Step by Step
  • How to Draw a Dolphin Step by Step
  • How to Draw a Toucan Pace by Step
  • How to Depict a Goldfish Step by Step