
Is Dãƒâ­a De Muertos Makeup Disrespectful

Dia de Los Muertos, otherwise known as Solar day of the Expressionless in English, is a holiday that is largely celebrated in Mexico and other Latin-American countries on Nov 1st and November second. Many know what Dia de Los Muertos is due to the beautiful decorations used during the holiday. Saccharide skulls are a huge function of this celebration and many people use sugar skulls every bit inspiration for makeup during Halloween. I know the sugar skull makeup is cute and I accept no issue with people using information technology. What I do take an upshot with is when people who don't appreciate or know about this celebration apply the makeup for the aesthetics. Dia de Los Muertos is more than but a costume. It is also of import to note that at that place is a divergence betwixt Halloween and Dia de Los Muertos. Many assume that Dia de Los Muertos is but "Mexican Halloween" but this is not the case.

Dia de Los Muertos is a celebration of life and joy. Co-ordinate to National Geographic, " Day of the Expressionless originated several thousand years ago with the Aztec, Toltec, and other Nahua people, who considered mourning the dead disrespectful." Dia de Los Muertos emphasizes that people who have passed have non truly died if their memory is kept live. This is where the ofrendas (altars) are used. Ofrendas are used to commemorate and celebrate the lives of those who have passed. On the ofrenda, people include saccharide skulls, candles to light the path for their loved ones, pictures, papel picado, and items that their loved one enjoyed. Ofrendas are used as a way to welcome back the spirits of those who have passed. A great movie that shows what Dia de Los Muertos is nearly is Coco . Information technology made me really happy to see how many people watched and enjoyed this motion-picture show.

Many who do the sugar skull makeup do not truly sympathize the importance and the significant behind this special celebration. I am Mexican and I can say for myself that I beloved when others learn about my culture. I just desire people to know the pregnant and history backside information technology before taking a slice of someone else'south culture and using it. Dia de Los Muertos is a beautiful way of celebrating life and joy instead of being sad over the passing of a loved one. Personally, this will exist my first year making an ofrenda for my deceased Dad and I am super excited. This commemoration of life helps y'all feel closer to your loved ones and reminds y'all that they are non truly gone if they are not forgotten. I truly believe that on Dia de Los Muertos the souls of all those who have passed are given the opportunity to come up back and visit their loved ones.

I hope that many more than people become open to learning about this beautiful commemoration in the Mexican and Latinx communities.


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